ruby red lipstick completed his feminine image.

"Oh, honey, you are gorgeous!" I gushed like a proud mother. "Every boy at the party will be after you."

"Mom, please! This is just a business arrangement. I'm not interested in being hassled by other guys and certainly not by a bunch of pimple faced BOYS!"

"Well, the Reynolds women are ready. I wonder where the man of the house is?" I pronounced. Ted seemed to take offense at my innocent remark, but made no comment. A few minutes later, Bob arrived, ready to go.

Coming over to me, he brought a dozen lovely red roses from behind his back. "For the loveliest woman I know," he grinned broadly.

"Oh, Bob, they're lovely!" I gushed. "I. . .I. . .don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. Just thank me with a kiss," he smiled.

"Oh...," I stammered, looking, at Ted who was staring at us with eyes as large as saucers. Despite his reaction, I leaned over and gave Bob a peck on the cheek.

"I deserve more than that!" he proclaimed, taking me in his arms and kissing me passionately on my lips.

I wanted to cry 'stop, you'll ruin my makeup!', anything, but I didn't! I couldn't! Bob was so strong and domineering. At first, my arms were stretched away from my body. Then I pushed against his body with my hands to try and break the embrace. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, I stopped trying to escape. I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned his embrace. I moaned as the kiss lingered. Feeling Bob's tongue against my lips, I parted them slightly to allow him to enter. I couldn't, I didn't, want to resist.

I heard Ted gasp as Bob released me, but I couldn't meet his gaze. I excused myself to repair my makeup, and when I rejoined them to leave for the party, Ted had the strangest, stunned expression, as though he was seeing me in a new light. He remained silent, and I wondered what Bob had said to him in my absence.

All three of us were nervous as we approached the entrance to the Nero mansion. "Well, ladies," Bob announced, extending his elbows to each of us. We took the cue and wrapped our slender fingers around his elbow and allowed him to escort us to the door.

We were greeted by the butler who showed us in. We removed our coats, and he took them away. Ted and I continued to hang onto Bob's elbows for support as we strolled into the main dining room where the party was

Ted gasped when he saw me in Bob's arms and bestowing upon me a deep, passionate kiss. I couldn't believe myself when I returned his kiss.